Core values help companies to determine if they are on the right path. Let's get started and add your organization's core values.

Step 1: Select Admin Settings in the side navigation. Then select Core Values under Organization.

adding core values in employee engagement software

Step 2: Select +Add a Core Value to start adding your organization's core values.

core values display company culture for all employees to see 

Step 3: Type in your core value name and then add a breif description. The description field must be filled out, so if your core value does not have a description, you can simply hit the space bar in that field. 

Continue adding your other core values by selecting +Add a Core Value and follow the same steps. Once you are finished adding your core values, select Save

add company core values and descriptions in employee engagement platform

That’s it! You’ve now added your organization's core values in Teamphoria!

Team Members will be able to see the core values by selecting Organization in the side navigation and then selecting the Core Values tab. 

company core values are part of the 2017 hr trends including employee engagement