Ready to start sending communication on the Teamphoria mobile app? This tutorial will walk through how to send communication through the mobile app. 

Please Note: If your organization does not have the communication feature turned on, it will not appear on the mobile app.

Step 1: Select the talk bubble icon at the bottom of your screen. Next choose the type of communication you want to send. These will be specific to your organization’s communications that are set up. For this tutorial we will be using Make a Suggestion.

sending employee communication on employee engagement software mobile app

Step 2: Give your communication a title and a descripton. Add a picture saved in your camera roll by selecting the photo icon, or take a picture by selecting the camera icon, then select the Next Arrow in the top right-hand corner. You always have the option to go back by selecting the Back Arrow in the top left-hand corner.

employee communication suggestion on the go 

Step 3: Review your communication and select Submit.

use employee engagement mobile app to send employee communication 

That’s it! You’ve now sent communication on the mobile app!