Need to deactivate a user in Teamphoria? This step-by-step guide will walk through removing a user from Teamphoria, so they can no longer access your organization's tenant. 

Step 1: Select Admin Settings from the side-navigation. Then the Manage tab and then Users. 

employee engagement platform admin settings page

Step 2: Search for the user's and select the downward arrow on the right-hand side. Select Deactivate User from the display menu. 

deactivating users in employee recognition software 

Step 3: Select the Yes, Deactivate button if you a sure you want to remove the user from Teamphoria

how to delete users from free performance management software

That's it! You've now deactivated a Team Member from Teamphoria!

Please Note: Deactivated users will have any given recognition hidden from their user profile and will no longer be accessible by Member roles in the system.